Posted on 3/30/2023

With the end of winter approaching, your car calls for some attention. A couple of things should be checked at least once per season. What are they exactly? Well, if you continue reading, you will find out a couple of the most important spring maintenance procedures. Make sure to put them on your to-do list the next time you visit a repair shop. Engine Inspection Engine inspections are some of the most important maintenance procedures. Either inspecting it via a diagnostics tool or by a trained eye, it will make sure everything is okay. And if it isn't, repair options will be presented to you for the best outcome. Most of the time small problems occur, which can result in more serious problems if not sorted out. Get Your Tires Checked Tires, tires, tires! Everyone, including us, recommends a tire check-up. But why are they so important? Tires are the only part of the vehicle making contact with the road. Therefore, it is responsible for grip, p ... read more